My last beautiful experience when I made my first vows was 9 years ago. Since that day, I have never seen or experienced it again on another occasion. It is due to the mission and the covid-19 keeps me of witnessing such a blessed day.
The anxious feeling and a deep spiritual joy mixed together were not different compared to the day of my first vows. I could not hold in my tears when the choirs started singing the entrance song “Rejoy, Rejoy” on the day of consecration to the Lord…the Lord loved me and called me, let’s go with him. He is my all” Thanks the Lord for calling my younger confreres who are willingly responding to your call which I know for sure that they will become your “fishermen” and also will be our sharers your “burdened task but light” (Mt 11:28)
My brothers, Huan, Công, Qúy, Quế and Sơn, just one word. Be patient because you will face challenges and difficulties in your mission. What you are going to experience will not be different from what I used to go through. I believe following God closely in prayer and practicing this virtue provided my strength and peace to overcome such coming steps.
Wishing all of you enjoy your mission and experience of encountering God through your mission.
Dn.Joseph Tho Nguyen